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Monday, February 2, 2009


A robot love story … actually not really. I can say this movie tells something more than emotions developed by squeaking and bleeping robots. It is more of a warning for over-consumption in this world that might end up all of us residing in space someday. And also, please watch on your diet, you can’t just sit the whole day in your life and everything you do is chat with people on screen and anything comes to you automatically, laziness it is. Well actually I’ve been seeing these nowadays; people are getting big with all the junk they eat and not stretching a limb to make them fit or sweat at all. A movie of the only surviving robot fixing all the trashes in the world along with his pet, cricket; enjoying a collection of plastic spoons and forks, lighters, rubix cube and a Hello Dolly musical video. Actually his life is quite settled already until this smart, specially designed robot Eve came to the world to look for a sign of life particularly a plant. I love the scene when the song “La Vie en Rose” was played, sweet! It could be a sign of true love, between robots? Oh c’mon don’t give me those craps.

Ok, ok it’s a joke for us but it could be an abstraction of what real love is. When you finally found that one; you will definitely do everything, patiently wait, follow that person to a place you’ve never been, and even get struck by a lightning several times. Awww, that is fatal. Ok we’re not robots but let’s just note what Wall-E exemplified in this movie. Not collecting garbage of course, not just the love, but his hopeful attitude to go back to earth even when Eve lost her interest to do so. I won’t forget the scene when Wall-E put his thread on M-O’s face that made the latter freaked out!

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